From an early age, I understood that I was an energetic spirit trying to have a human experience. Until my path introduced me to East Asian Medicine, I was reactive to my experiences, never understanding my own power to make the changes I needed. This medicine saved my life and changed the way I move about and heal myself in this very unnatural materialistic world. The acupuncture points are portals between the external world and how we experience life on the inside. I began to understand for the first time that we can direct our own energy and KNOW IN MY HEART that this medicine belongs to everyone as their own personal guide to having a healthy, functional, happy life in all its forms.
None of us have perfect health 100% of the time. All of our tools are designed to help your mind/body/spirit begin to reconnect the lines of energy that can be broken through trauma, stress, and prolonged repetitive injuries that are held in place through emotional response. THE ONLY CURES AVAILABLE IN ANY FORM OF MEDICINE IS WITHIN YOU. When we open the channels for proper flow of energy, healing happens naturally. Acupuncture and all other medical tools should assist you in the process, rather than removing the reasons for your life not flowing properly. Those are your lessons: get to the root cause of your issues and you begin to understand how to heal yourself in every environment.
Along my journey, this medicine has helped me to heal from several very serious conditions that required total overhauls of how I walked through life. I am a Stage 3 Cancer Survivor. I survived several near-death experiences spurned on by a serious hospitalization and near-death experience with Covid-19. I have found solace when my heart broke in losing my husband, best friend and father of my children. I have used it to treat my wounds when experiencing amputation. Most recently, this medicine was instrumental in transforming the energy that was literally keeping me from walking for a few months and is serving as a reminder that the points are there as a guide to whole health and self-healing.
Our job as doctors is not to fix you. You must always make the changes necessary to help you heal on your own for sustainable results. We are guides to optimal health, but only you can do the work. When I connect a needle with your energy, I am calling your body's energy to exactly where your pulses are guiding me...but you move that energy all by yourself in response to the call. Pain and suffering are a call from within to never get stuck. It's your invitation to MOVE, to CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS TO POSITIVE FREQUENCIES REGARDLESS, and TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE. And you have help!!
We need each other in life. We need communities that care for each other. In my own journey, what I learned most is that I was not alone. My intention in this world is to hold the hand of everyone who needs me. To fall in love with the essence of every human being in this world...exactly as they know themselves to be...and help them love themselves and the lives they have created for themselves with abundance, joy & gratitude. I consider it an honor and a privilege to accompany all of you on your Soul Journeys!